Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm a baaad blogger

Okay it's true. I haven't blogged in a very long time. I should be flogged, cursed by the bloggers that be. Shunned...blah, blah, blah. So with that out of the way it isn't like I haven't still been crafty and creative. So I'll show you some exciting things that I've been working on lately. This is inspired by Julie Collings piece on the front of Somerset Apprentice.Secret

I call it Secret of the Heart

I also did another the same day while the juices were still flowing.

 Dance then, wherever you may be. It's inspired by a song we sing in church. Both were deeply personal but I think Secret of the Heart was more so because instead of using a vintage love letter I actually wrote the letter myself to someone who I have strong feelings for. Of course the letter is encased in wax. Never to be read. This drives some people to distraction. They feel like they need to know what the letter says. But isn't that what art is? Stirs up different emotions for different people. Makes you think. Makes you talk?

1 comment:

  1. Kathi....it was almost a whole year since your last post....that is beyond the "flogging" of blogland, bloggers...I popped over from the SB group to make sure you were still with us. I was getting a little worried!!
    Love your work, and I would be one of those driven to distraction by that letter!
